The purpose of the mount and umount commands is to attach and detach file systems to the Linux directory tree. Mount connects external storage, network shares, or other file systems to a specified directory, making them accessible to the user. Umount safely detaches these file systems, ensuring that all data is properly synchronized and preventing data corruption. These commands are fundamental for managing file system accessibility and organization in Linux. To check the port number that a service is listening on in Linux, the netstat -tuln or ss -tuln commands are used.
For experienced Linux professionals, the scope of knowledge extends beyond fundamental and intermediate concepts. As you progress, you will explore more advanced topics to gain an in-depth understanding of the Linux operating system. To count the number of lines in a file in Linux, you can use the command wc -l filename. This command provides a quick way to analyze the length of a file, making it particularly useful for large log files or text files.
- In Linux, mounting and unmounting file systems are essential operations that manage access to device contents.
- A process refers to an executing instance of a program and can interact with a foreground or background process or a user session started by another process.
- The significance of the root user lies in its ability to perform system-wide administrative tasks.
- The strace command is a powerful diagnostic utility in Linux that enables users to monitor and trace the system calls made by a process.
- This allows the system to free up some physical memory for other uses.
Networking Commands Interview Questions focus on examining the candidate’s proficiency with Linux commands used for managing and troubleshooting network settings and issues. Setting default permissions for new files and directories for a group in Linux uses the chmod and setfacl commands. The chmod command sets standard permissions, while setfacl establishes access control lists (ACLs) for more granular control.
LILO, which stands for Linux Loader, is a bootloader used for loading the Linux operating system into main memory to start execution. Most computers come with bootloaders for specific versions of macOS or Windows, so installing a suitable bootloader like LILO is necessary for using the Linux operating system. When you start your computer, the BIOS performs initial tests and then transfers control to the Master Boot Record (MBR), from which the loading of the Linux OS begins.
What is the Linux kernel? Explain in brief.
Swapon activates the swap space, which is then added to /etc/fstab for automatic activation on boot. Swap space is vital for extending virtual memory, improving system responsiveness under heavy load. The ext4 and XFS file systems differ in their design, performance, and features. Ext4, a journaling file system, is known for its robustness and wide usage in Linux distributions. It supports file systems up to 1 Exabyte and files up to 16 Terabytes.
What are an Inode and PID?
Here we have some popular questions for a technical-level Linux interview that you can expect to be asked in the Linux interview. So, prepare with these interview questions and crack your Linux interview. Method 1 –If the command is executed successfully then after running the yum command it will show ‘0’ on checking the exit status. Or search for the grep username in the location /etc/shadow file and it will show a symbol ‘! Both of these are the daemons that are used to schedule the execution of commands or tasks as per the information provided by the user.
- These commands are executed directly by the shell without needing to invoke an external executable.
- In this article, we will cover some basic interview questions on Linux networking, along with their answers and examples.
- A PID (Process ID) is a unique ID given to each running process on a Linux system.
- Similar to the du command, the ncdu command also requires the path of the specific directory to check its space.
- Save the file and restart the network service or reboot the system for the changes to take effect.
- Understanding these basics is crucial for developing a strong skill set in Linux administration and performing well in interviews.
- The full form of LVM is Logical Volume Manager, which provides an advanced disk management approach in Linux.
Creating a new group in Linux is accomplished with the groupadd groupname command. This command adds an entry to the /etc/group file, assigning a unique GID to the new group. Group creation is essential for organizing users and managing permissions collectively. Administrators use this command to facilitate access control and resource sharing among users. The process of adding groups simplifies the management of multi-user environments. It has the authority to execute any command, including those affecting system security and user management.
The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system, acting as a bridge between software and hardware. When software requests access to hardware resources, the kernel manages the communication and data exchange between them. Linux is an open-source operating system kernel widely used in various distributions (distros). Its versatility, security, and stability make it popular across many platforms, from servers to embedded systems. The chown command in Linux changes the ownership of files and directories.
Knowledge of the /proc file system is frequently tested in Linux interview questions regarding system performance and monitoring. It acts as an extension of RAM, enabling the system to run larger applications or multiple processes simultaneously without exhausting physical memory resources. The /boot directory in Linux plays a crucial role in the system’s boot process.
Describe the Process of Setting Up a Fixed IP Address
In Linux, namespaces are a fundamental feature that provides process isolation by encapsulating the system resources a process can access. LVM works by abstracting the physical storage into logical volumes, which can be easily manipulated without the need for physical disk partitions. To find the Process ID linux networking interview questions (PID) of a running process in Linux, you can utilize the pgrep or ps command. Each command offers a different approach to retrieving the PID based on your needs.
Linux Networking Interview Questions and Answers (Experienced)
The development of Linux is community-driven, while UNIX development is managed by commercial entities. These differences highlight Linux’s adaptability and broader accessibility. Here we have a comprehensive list of Linux interview questions and answers that are useful for admin level. So, here are few Linux questions that can help you with the Linux interview preparation.
To configure sudo access, you can edit the sudoers file using the visudo command. The NCurses Disk Usage, or ncdu command, displays more interactive disk usage. Similar to the du command, the ncdu command also requires the path of the specific directory to check its space. The df or disk-free command shows the used and the available disk space. For instance, you can use the df -h command to check the disk usage in the human-readable format.
Deleting a user requires careful consideration to avoid unintentional data loss. System administrators use this command to manage system access and maintain security. To display the last 10 lines of a file in Linux, the tail -n 10 command is used, specifying the file name. This command ensures users can quickly access the most recent entries in log files or other text documents.